What is Pancreas? The pancreas {pan = all; kreas = flesh) is a gland that is partly exocrine and partly endocrine. The exocrine part secretes the digestive pancreatic juice; and the endocrine part secretes hormones, e.g., insulin. It is soft, lobulated and elongated organ. The pancreas is both an exocrine and an endocrine gland. It is an elongated structure that lies on the posterior ab- dominal wall behind the stomach and behind the peri- toneum. It may be divided into a head, a neck, a body, and a tail . The head is disc shaped and lies within the concavity of the C-shaped duodenum. The uncinate process is a projection to the left from the lower part of the head behind the superior mesenteric vessels. The neck is narrow and connects the head to the body; it lies in front of the beginning of the portal vein. The body passes upward and to the left across the midline, and the tail extends to the hilus of the spleen in the splenicorenal ligament. Location Of Pancreas The pancreas li...
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